elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


law school is difficult because i have no powers of concentration.

This is a reminder for myself.

Stop Being An Asshole!

1. You're in law school. You can't be a slacker. You can't write papers and closed memos the night before. Yet, inconceivable, that's what you have been doing. You're keeping up on your readings okay, yet, here you are in class, writing in your freakin' diaryland. If you want to succeed (and I'm not sure you do, considering your behaviour) you really need to do your work, LISTEN in class, be prepared, and don't be an asshole.

2. Stop taking on extracurriculars you have no intention of living up to. You have signed up for the law student's legal advice program, and yet you do not intend to go tomorrow night. You have been ignoring your clients and have not worked on their files. In other words, you suck. Also, you have not even attempted to find out more info on your Pro Bono assignment. Yet, you think you want to be a lawyer and help people... that's what these things DO. You're also considering taking something else on, which probably, you're just going to ignore.

3. You're at law school because you want a job one day. You want to help people. But how are you going to do that if you don't DO anything?

4. Tonight, you're probably going to go home, play with your cats, watch America's Next Top Model, and go to bed, without cracking open a book. That is not acceptable. You can watch Top Model but you also must either a) clean your freaking garbage can of a house, or b) read some fucking law.

5. You are antisocial and grumpy. Nobody wants to be your friend. Be nice to people and get over your superiority / inferiority issues.

6. You're not listening to this scintillating lecture on Voter Parity. Listen! This is very important! Wait, it's really really not. This class blows.

7. The boredom level of this class on Legal Institutions of the Canadian Government notwithstanding, why come to class if you're going to be on MSN, read your email, read google news, look at pictures of kittens, play bookworm and spider solitaire, read the articling manual, look up how much flights cost to hong kong and costa rica, write in your diary, look at the girls in your class, or fall asleep? Either stay home, or listen.

8. Pay more attention to your girlfriend.

9. Maybe consider going on ritalin. or something.

10. Don't be an asshole.

3:14 p.m. - 2005-10-19


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