elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


good, bad, ugly.

Things that are great:

I did laundry today so I have clean undies and socks and pants and shirts for the first time in, oh. a week. Yes, I fully realize I'm disgusting, but then again, I haven't really been anywhere in a week. I've been wearing pajamas and studying on the couch.

And occasionally playing Sid Meier's Pirates! - this game rocks. You get to romance governor's daughters and sail around and pillage and - you guessed it - GET BOOTY!

I bought a new LCD monitor for $200 that rules.

My kittens are cute.

I love somebody and she loves me back.

hm. that's about it.


My comprehensive exams are in 3 weeks.

I haven't read even close to enough books. Think a reading list of 60, and how many books have I read. um. 25? FUCK. But, I do have other people's notes, and I might be able to pull it off. But really? I doubt it. If I fail these, I don't graduate with my MA. If I do? then, PARTY and dope and booze and sex for a week.

My hypothesis is that I will fail (because so not prepared) but the lovely girlfriend will pass, and then she will feel guilty and I will be jealous and angry and it'll screw us up for a bit. Of course, only if we let it. Sigh. Good news is that if I fail I can rewrite in August. Byebye summer.

what else sucks? I have to hand back my classes' papers on friday. And I haven't marked them yet. I SUCK.

Also, I'm stressed and my gf is stressed which means neither of us want to bonk, even though bonking de-stresses me.

I'm out of staples.

I'm broke.

I have no job for the summer yet.

obligatory things that are good that i'm thankful for so I don't look completely self-centered

I have a nice house, and food, and education, and possibly prospects, and one day i'm going to marry a wonderful woman (cause we can, here!) and have babies. and puppies. and more kitties . I'm safe and happy and mostly healthy, and so are many of the people around me.


in other news: i have no other news. talk to me in three weeks.

11:09 p.m. - 2005-03-29


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