elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


we wouldn't have to eat kraft dinner, but we would!

I'm going to karaoke tonight for the first time in months.

Lesson # 324 about why I am a nerd: I adore karaoke. Love it. Want to do it every night always.

It surprises people, because although I wouldn't say I'm shy, not anymore, I am a little reserved. I don't like to always be the center of attention. But. Put me on a stage with a mic in my hand, and I go crazy.

And I'm good.

Not to say I'm a particularly amazing singer, or a great performer. I'm good at karaoke, which compared to singing is like the dfference between fanfiction writers (like myself) to Pulitzer Prize winners. I'm all about the easy, half-given reflection of the real thing.

Nevertheless, however lame it is, however sad and pathetic it is that I can't do anything real, but only parodies of genres, I love it.

I'm going to decide throughout the day what songs I want to sing as to not waste valuable time looking at the book.


Speaking of parodies of worthwhile genres, yesterday I found my very first fanfic ever, a terrible, awful Mary Sue [a story in which the naive an wideeyed author inserts a beautiful, smart, successful, and did I mention beautiful?, character into a story. This character (Mary Sue) proceeds to fall in love with the protagonist, or make him fall in love with her, or just fix everybody's lives and make two other people fall in love, and everybody thinks she's just great.]. The character was, predictably, named after myself. It's 11 handwritten pages, dated 1994, with a cover sheet instructing people to "keep out" and "don't read this".

I remember thinking that I was da bomb for writing such a wonderful story.

It's so, so, incredibly, amazingly terrible.

But funny.


My work staff party was last night, and I went even though --

Oh yeah! Hey, I quit Starbucks. Yay me!

--even though I'm not working there anymore. The store has changed so much in the last couple of months, and there are all these new jokers there who are totally not cool like us oldtimers.

So the party was not the official staff party, to which I did not go, but the SuperAwesomeOnlyCoolPeople party.

And two of the people we didn't invite, showed up.


The purpose of the super awesome only cool peopleness of the party was that everybody's mad at the manager, for being a complete bitch, except that she's a good friend of mine.

So if she finds out that there was a party because of the two people who showed up and weren't invited and maybe didn't know about the secrecy, and she finds out that I was there and didn't invite her.


oh well. She's not the boss of me anymore! Hah.


And, finally, unless I think of something else to say after this, my girlfriend is so cool, and she went away for two nights and I was all at loose ends, and we totally had sex in her rental minivan last night, and it was hot. But besides hot sex, wow. I'm so into her, and it's so weird, and scary, and, yes.

That's enough of that.


And on a more mundane note - I totally bought the ketchup last time, and my roommate ate all of it in like, 3 weeks, and I maybe used it once. And he hasn't bought a new bottle, and I'm going to the store, and want - oh, hey, by the way, I'm Canadian so KD is one of the four food groups, so shut up about my taste in food - KD! And you can't have KD without ketchup. Even the barenaked ladies sing about that, yo!

So, I'm going to buy it, for the third time, and stupid roommate whom I'm mad at will eat it all, and I'll just get more mad.

I should demand the money or something.


Wow, isn't my life interesting. Yup. Uh huh.

I'm leaving now.

11:47 a.m. - 2003-12-15


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