elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


ever tried to live without the makeup.

Usually, I'm that type of girl that needs space. Space, even. maybe even


As in, when people try and spend every single moment of their lives with me, I get antsy and need to break away and sit by myself in a room and breathe.

But this girl, dude. Like. I want to be with her all the time. And that's so not what the point of our "relationship" (ie: sexifying) started out as, but, I think now we're both all enamoured with each other.

Which is great. Y'know.

But it makes me wonder, will I get into this precedent of spending every night with her, and then one day, when the initial thrill wears off, have to do my avoidy thing? And therefore hurt her feelings? And break up and be sad and cry?



I know all too well what it's like when people whose diaries you read suddenly only talk about this person they're interested in, and, I apologize.

So for all of you who have read this far: an amusing anecdote of the kind you may have become used to in elegantly wasted.

On friday I was standing on bus, and it was so crowded that when the bus made a sudden stop, all the people standing up surged backwards and forwards again in a smooth wave of flesh, stink, and bags. I was standing in front of the exit doors, slightly in the way but with nowhere else to go and no way to prevent this state of being in the way.

Enter the Old Cranky Man (tm).

[typing 'Old Cranky Man' made me think of my father just now, so I called him, but he did not answer, and now I am mad.]

The bus stopped at a popular stop. OCM came from the aisle, looked straight at me, and shoved me. Shoved me so that I stumbled backwards, and would have fallen down if not for the sea of people grasping onto bars and loops cushioning my fall.

Me, being in general a niceish person, gave him the benefit of the doubt and righted myself. Being a good Canadian, I may have even muttered 'sorry' because that's what we do, here.

Then, he looked at me again, and brought up his elbow, and TOTALLY elbowed me. I wasn't even in his way anymore.

So that was it. No more Canadian politeness. Nope. I yelled at an old man.

Something like "How about a fucking excuse me you fucking asshole!"

It was very cathartic.

Now, I realize that since y'all don't actually know me, this may not seem unusual, so it may just seem like your usual daily occurance, and for that, my amusing anecdote fails.

Best I can do, man! I yelled at an old man, do you need a pirate joke or something?


Also: the new Basement Jaxx is pleasant. Some of the songs kind of aren't great, but others are awesome, and yes! Very fun album.

7:07 p.m. - 2003-11-14


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