elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


face of horrors

There aren't many things worse than being clean and having to put on really dirty clothes that stink of coffee and have been sitting in your laundry basket for at least a week, but since you're a lazy sod who can't be bothered to fight the Labour Day laundry rush, you have no clothes for your last weekday of Starbucks ever.

My face was all blotchy and pale this morning so I decided to put on makeup and be girly. You see, I used to wear makeup, not a lot but enough, because really, my complexion sucks and it's just better. Then I was brainwashed by my lesbian friends to stop.

Being a femme lesbian sucks, a lot of the time. And like, I'm butcher than most women, but in the vancouver lesbian scene, I stick out. I may as well be straight, half the time.

Anyway. So I put on foundation like I'd always do, and then went into the bathroom which has actual good light and I look in the mirror and instead of seing a beautiful smooth face I see dry powdery patches! An even paler person with big splotches! Ahhh!

So this is my reminder to myself, after washing all the makeup off, is that my lesbians are usually right and it does feel better not to wear makeup and maybe I look pale because it's 4 in the morning and I couldn't sleep, and when I did I dreamed about a crazy man who went around snapping girl's necks from behind and who had 7 cats who could talk.

Also: MY LAST FIVE AM SHIFT! WHEEEEEE!!!!! Now I don't get complaining rights when people complain about having to get up EARLY at like nine, omigod lol! *stab*

4:04 a.m. - 2003-09-02


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