elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


Ben Harper/Jack Johnson

That was a groovy, groovy night, man.

I went to the Ben Harper and Jack Johnson show, and man, was it smooth. This was my fourth Ben show and just as good as the first. Wow. His shows give me this fullfilled, satisfied feeling of good, you know? Like people are good and life is good and everything will be good.


It was an outdoor show and the weather was just perfect. Not too hot, and when the sun went down, clear as a bell, and all the stars just shone - the stadium is at the university and there aren't so many lights.

I started off with my work friend Dave and about 10 of his friends from his tiny little hickville hometown, all who came down just for the show. We burnt a few down, chilled on the grass. I thought I saw my cousin but I don't know him very well so I didn't go up and say hi. Then a couple girlfriends called and I went and sat with them, cause, they had a quilt! And Mike and Ikes.

Jack was great. Mellow and nice. When Ben Harper came on, though, we all lay down in the middle of the field, and just listened (since we couldn't see anyway - there were 20 000 people milling about) and looked up at the night sky.

I've seen Ben from the second row, and I've seen him far back, and the feeling of being a part of that crowd is amazing. But the feeling of being a part of the world with his voice as the background? Wow. All we could see was sky, and I can't even explain how calming the experience was.

Seriously, concerts do so much in decreasing my stress level even usually, but this one. Hoo.

So yes, I'm being a bit fangirly, but dude! So, so, so nice.

11:47 p.m. - 2003-08-22


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