elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


Universities are Suckers.

Last year, I took these two correspondance courses from my university, of which I did, like, nothing. About two months ago I thought about the two Fs that would eventually show up on my record - which has never seen a grade lower than a B - and seriously panicked. Because I'm me, and no matter how much I slack and do mediocre work, I can't fail something. Because I was raised a slacker but brainwashed into overachieving by prep school.

This can be difficult sometimes, because I always do less than half of the work needed for something, and then expect an A.

And sometimes I get them. Heh.

Anyway. So I sent in my withdrawal forms, along with a mostly true but slightly bullshitted letter. As in, I lied. A little. Yes, ladies and gentlement, elegantwaste is a big fat liar if it'll make her get her way.

Then came the inevitable email from the department asking for documentation of my claims.


You mean, they don't just believe you?

I'm pretty dumb sometimes.

I could have gotten all the documentation needed, even for the bullshit part, because really? I've done people lots of favors before. And I could get those back. I have a little mental tally of people who owe me. They probably think I've forgotten, but...

So I thought, fuck that! I'm not going to spend my valuable time that could be better spent watching Angel, reading journals, watching porn, or playing Bookworm to go out and photocopy stuff, or bribe friends into manufacturing evidence.

So I did nothing. I assumed, of course, that this would lead to those two Fs on my transcript, but, thinking about it, I realized that maybe that would be good for me. That would show me that it's NOT OKAY to be a slacker. It's not okay to expect things to turn out fine when you don't do the required work.

And then today I got two emails confirming my withdrawals.

I so, so, entirely, rule.

9:45 a.m. - 2003-08-20


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