elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


my big fat greek mouth. except i'm not greek. bygones.

Am dying my hair, and it burns! That just means it's working, I know. Um. Right. OW.

Yesterday I managed to piss off my boss, one of my supervisors, a good friend, and the girl I'm dating, all by opening my BIG FAT MOUTH.

Remind me not to do that? Kay? Thanks.

Seriously, I think it's PMS that makes me just say whatever the hell comes to mind, even if saying that, under normal circumstances, would fall under the category of a Very Bad Idea. I've been getting myself into trouble my whole life doing that.

I also pissed off my best friend yesterday, for a different reason - I blew him off again. They call me No-Show Ellie, y'know. Behind my back. Because I tend to, well, back out and not show up to things.

It's because I'm moody, apparently. My best friend was oh so understanding but beneath his decorous decorum, I can tell he was cursing me. Stupid No-Show. His only day off, and I'm not even gonna show up to hang out with him, because, wait for it - I want to be alone.

I don't see how I can ever have a long term relationship with anybody unless they are just as moody and solitary as me, because I get so freaking sick of people, that I need to lock myself in a room and watch movies and read books and listen to music and cry by myself at least one day a week, or else I go crazy, and I haven't had that day in so long, I decided today would be it.

This job with the public really doesn't suit me.

Anyway. Hopefully I'll be forgiven for my big fat mouth and my moodiness and be left in peace with no friends so all I'll do every day is sit at the computer and write journal entries.

2:27 p.m. - 2003-04-26


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