elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


girls girls girls.

So I guess I'm like, sort of seeing this girl now, since I called her back and she arranged another date and such. I'm not sure how I feel about this.

First, there's the fact that she lives with my boss and my boss' girlfriend.

Then there's the fact that she's practically as quiet as I am, so conversation is full of awkward pauses. That should pass after the getting-to-know-you stage I guess.

Then there's the thing where she's really cute, but I'm not sure if I've got the big giant jones for her. I dunno if the chemistry is there. The blood.

However, our first 'date' if that's what it was involved going out with my boss and my boss' girlfriend and some other chickie to a punk show in a tiny club that was loud loud loud and we couldn't hear a thing we were saying to each other, which, to me, sort of interrupts the vibe. As the Be-Good Tanyas say, "What kind of people go to meet people someplace they can't be heard or seen."

And yeah. I'm not all "I met a girl! She's awesome!" about her. I'm more "Well, she asked me out, she's nice, why the hell not."

Which really, isn't a good attitude, y'know?

Ah well. I need this, this sort of pointless dating, because maybe it'll help me get back into the game.

And today, this girl I've known for years and always tries to sleep with me even though she's straight is coming over for a Buffy-Thon. I have to remember that I don't want to sleep with her. Yes. Right.

10:22 a.m. - 2003-03-24


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