elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


today i am a preacher, tomorrow a leecher

After gorging myself on my homemade sekrit recipe meatballs and tomato sauce and pasta, I felt fat for about 10 minutes, as I passed out on the couch watching "What Not To Wear" on which a man with pretty pretty long hair yelled at a woman for having a unibrow.

Then I put my hands on my bell-eh and was pleased when it jiggled a little, and realized, fuck it. I just ate a giant plate of yummy yummy food that I made myself, and I don't have to either a) puke it up later, or b) starve myself for a week. Or even care. At all.

Because I like myself just the way I am. And no, I'm not lying to myself. Of all the things I do dislike about me? My body image is probably number 57, under my tendency to giggle when people say the word 'boner', and the way I can't sit still no matter what. Even now I am wiggling my entire left leg. Jeebus help me!

I like my body, belleh, flabby deltoids, and butt dimples included.

Maybe y'all should try it. -- I read too many random diaries today. -- One of my main problems in life, I think, is that I don't fall out of love. I don't have that talent of forgetting people. If my feelings ascend or descend from the general apathy I hold most people to, it's likely it's going to stay like that for a very long time. I wish I could be cold to people. I wish cut off my emotions with a pair of kitchen shears. Atropos was always my favourite Fate.

9:08 p.m. - 2003-03-08


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