elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


Bono's a turkey.

Has anybody read 'Fury' by Salman Rushdie? Cause I feel like the protagonist, lately. If I had a wife, I wouldn't be surprised to wake up at night holding a knife to her. I'm filled with rage, at the weirdest times, for no good reasons.

Well, maybe a few good reasons.

So, I was diagnosed with CTCL about a year ago, and the doctor finally wants to do something about it, which, y'know, is great, cause just sitting here with cancerous cells and not doing anything can sometimes make me nervous. And the treatment doesn't sound terrible - phototherapy, basically you stand in a big box and they shine UVB light on you. Whatever.

The parts I don't like are the practical, cause I really don't want to go to the hospital three times a week - not only is it gonna mess up my schedule of sitting around and doing nothing, oh, and right, working, I hate the hospital. And three times a week. Duuuude.

There's also a vain reason. A couple actually: it'll darken my skin, basically like a tanning bed would, and I don't like my skin tan, I like my deathly pallor, damnit. But also because 24 hours after each treatment, I have to wear wraparound sunglasses to protect my eyes, because the drug makes you more susceptible to sunlight.

Now, okay, it's not like I have to wear those big square dorky ones, like:

Like, I can get cool ones, as long as they're 100% UV filtering. Leave alone the fact that sunglasses look stupid on me. Whatever. I'll find some.

Never mind the fact that I work somewhere where people are obviously going to ask me why I'm wearing sunglasses indoors while making their coffee.

I just don't want to be like Bono.

Before I start my argument, I would like to say that I am fully aware of how little credibility it has, and you can feel free to flame me about how great Bono is, cause maybe I'll even agree. See, U2 is a good band, blah blah, Bono and the Nobel Peace Prize, blah blah blah. I quite like U2, and I have a whole schock of their albums. 'One' is one of my favourite alltime songs. Blah blah blah.


Remember: Fury.

Okay, so. Bono cares about the world. He tries to make a difference. Good things. He goes to Africa to being awareness to Aids in Africa, to other health and financial crises there. He's a good poprock star. He uses his fame not to mumble about how wars shouldn't be happening, but to actively do stuff. Go, Bono, go!

But he's in freakin' Africa, holding kids whose lives are probably full of poverty and misery, bringing awareness to them, and, he wears his freaking sunglasses that probably cost him a thousand dollars.

Maybe if Bono sold all his sunglasses and gave the money to the children, he can win the Nobel fucking Peace Prize. Until then, he's just a dude trying to save with world looking like a turkey in sunglasses.

Okay, I'm done.

Oh, right, the cancer treatments. It's fine - I'm not dying, it's not life-threatening, and it's not chemo or anything, the only side effects are the tan, maybe a little burning, and nausea. Plus the sunglasses, which I'm considering a side effect. I consider myself lucky that they diagnosed me, that I live a 20 minute walk away from the hospital, that the treatment isn't intrusive. I should think about the millions of people with real cancer who are dying and going through hell because of it.

But I'm gonna focus on not being a turkey like Bono.

2:35 p.m. - 2003-03-05


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