elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


blog is such a nasty word.

So, this diaryland journal is kind of my incognito journal. As in, I don't really broadcast who I am, I haven't told anybody I actually know about this journal, and I can feel semi-free to talk about people behind their backs.

I had another diaryland once, which this replaced because I really got tired of people I know reading that instead of asking me what's going on in my life.

And I have a livejournal, which I update daily, which all my friends read, and that's fine.

And then today, I started up a blurty, for reasons I have yet to know, except that I am, quite obviously, a journalling whore. But it's under this name, not my other, so, is there a connection? Yes - I'm more honest incognito.

I might end up using the Blurty as a place to bitch about fandom - something I never do here, because, I'm sure most of you would neither care or know what I'm talking about - since I signed up so I could link to a fandom community. Or maybe I'll use it to spam all the things I sometimes want to say in this journal, or in livejournal, but don't.

I often start entries and then delete them. It's that I'm too concerned with my audience - will this piss them off? Will people think it's funny? Will they scroll past it, muttering about people who update for no reason?

New journals for me, the friendless/buddyless ones that nobody reads, are like a new secret world. It's a new barrier to create, a new place where maybe the honesty quotient can go up, or maybe it'll slide down to nothing.

Or maybe I'll forget about it tomorrow and never use it again.

Diaryland, I have to say, is my favourite, however. It's less interactive and community-like than livejournal (at least how I use it), but you are still aware of an audience. Nobody has to read my journal. They read it if they want to. I always think that gives me more free reign to say stupid things, or funny things, or offensive things. There's less pressure to please people, but maybe, since my entries here are sometimes longer and more thought out, I feel a pressure to be interesting.

Obviously that pressure isn't here today.

Now all I need is a blogger, and I'll be set!

11:55 a.m. - 2003-02-20


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