elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


wasting time.

I'm suddenly (not so suddenly - i think that's my most overused word) overcome with the idea that my life is useless and I'm doing nothing with it.

Consider, perhaps, how I spent 22 hours in the last 5 days watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer, season three.

Or how for another, oh, 6 hours, I was reading erotic slash fanfiction.

Or how for an undetermined period of time, instead of improving my mind by reading something good, I read a novel called 'Good in Bed'. Which, y'know, wasn't terrible, for a trashy-ish women's novel.

And 25 more hours, I worked giving coffee to ungrateful people, half of which didn't even look me in the eye, so frightened of people who actually serve people for a living.

Some more time was spent talking to friends on the phone, and hanging with them in person. Some more time was spent walking, shopping, eating, sleeping. Much time, was spent chatting online, checking my LJ and Diary, reading newspapers. Four hours was spent at a punk rock show.

Out of all these things, is any one of them serving any purpose? I'd be willing to concede sleep, the talking and hanging out with friends, the eating, and the working. But I think I need to find something else to do with the rest of those hours.

I need to apply to grad school so it's done. Yes. I'm going to go now, and email the profs I need for references, and start on my application. Yes.

3:31 p.m. - 2003-01-13


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