elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


I have no morals!

Shawn Desmon is on my tv, and I've become a webcam girl. What has the world come to?

So, my loverly roomie who I was ready to kill a few days ago for waking me up gave me presents to ease my anger. Presents of a Lance Bass calendar, and a webcam.

Now, the Lance Bass calendar is pretty special - first thing I see in the morning, last thing before I go to bed, and all - but webcams, man.

See, I'm a bit of an exhibitionist.

Bit, you ask incredulously?

Well. A lot of an exhibitionist?

Yes, that's about right.

So when horny guys start emailing me - and remember, LESBIAN - I laugh, and some part of me goes huh, and then more of me goes AHAHHAAA! Because, yes. It's so fucking funny.

See, I'm a tease. I should never have thought a webcam would be a good idea, because, tease! I'm just lucky I haven't been drinking, cause, dude, clothes come off with alcohol.

And then they start sending me pictures of their, um, members. And I laugh more, while being pretty fucking creeped out. But I can't seem to stop. Even as I write this, I'm being filmed. It's like why last night at karaoke, I wouldn't give anyone else the microphone. Me and center of attention are like this. =

I mean, why else do we have journals? I'm usually naked, it's just in writing. Okay, bad metaphor, and I'm trying to convince myself that I have not become skanky by changing into my pajamas which happen to be a little lacy. I have become skanky. I'm a skanky webcam ho. And it's fun.

I'm lowering the camera to include my boobies for some guy named Robert. AHAHAHA! okay.

I'm a terrible, terrible person, and a skanky ho! This must end tonight. AHAHAHAA! so fun.

It's nice having no morals.

11:33 p.m. - 2003-01-04


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