elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


bitch bitch bitch

I am so tired of going into work and one person is having a bad day. And that person spreads the bad day to everyone else, until everybody is avoiding each other and not talking.

See, I'm never like that. If I'm having a bad day, I keep it to myself. I don't act like a bitch until everyone else is having as bad a day as me.

This is what my trip down to SF was like - one person was having a bad time and was trying to spread it to everyone else.

So this is my advice to the world. Fucking CHILL. If things are going bad, change them. If you're unhappy, don't make other people unhappy. If you're bored, do something about it.


In other news, I lent out my Justin Timberlake cd, and I miss it. How sad is that. I want to crank it loud! But my roomie stole my stereo, and he's got some girl in there so I don't want to be all "knock knock, where's my fucking stereo, bitch." when he's probably got his tongue down her throat. Or worse.

I just ate a chicken, pear, and blue cheese sandwich. It was kind of gross.

So yeah. Tonight I have to fucking avoid the hoochie and roomie, do laundry, and do my homework for my class. All this instead of going to the dyke night at Luv-A-Fair, but. Whatever. I'd just be pissed off, and I'm in that time of the month where I really don't want to get laid.

So yeah.

The bitter, single life for me. Woo.

6:59 p.m. - 2002-11-10


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