elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary





So, in case you couldn't tell, I'm going on a road trip. To San Francisco, at the end of the month. Wheeee! With cool people! Wheeeee! And I get to visit an even cooler person! Wheeee!

Then the end of november, I'm going to Vegas! WHEEEEEEEE! To meet one of my closest friends who I've never met. Yeah, yeah. I think it's six years we've been talking practically every day online. So it's kind of monumental.

Forget the fact that my student loans are going to start re-payment on November 30. I'll be in Vegas! HA!

But no, that sucks, major, since I don't have a real money-making job, and I'm going back to school in September hopefully for the next degree, and. Yeah. Paying back the government sucks, but, being hounded by creditors and paying obscene amounts of interest isn't so cool either.



Oh a less wheee note, my brother stopped by last night at midnight looking for a place to crash. Now, I didn't know he was in town. The fucker! Went to see Jack Johnson, and didn't invite me. Got backstage. Got in Jack's TOUR BUS. DIDN'T TAKE ME! Christ.

Also, there's nothing quite more embarassing than your serious-musician-brother wanting to look at your bedroom. Your bedroom that not only looks like the 'after' set of Twister, but also has a giant NSync poster on the wall. That I put up as a joke! Really!

Cause, see, in the poster they are wearing the same clothes as they do on the Canadian bobbleheads, so I put the poster up and the bobbleheads underneath them and it's funny! to me.

Also, there were some feminine hygeine products in display, underwear on the floor, my leather studded sub collar sitting innocently on the dresser. I'm just glad I didn't leave the vibrator on the bedside table or something.

Okay, so, fuck, I'm hungry, and I'm supposed to meet people on the university campus in half an hour, and I'm so gonna be late. So.


10:36 a.m. - 2002-10-16


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