elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary



Sometimes when my mother calls and I say "Hello?" and she says "Hi, it's me," I think that it really is me. As in me, myself, and even that brat I.

We have the same voice, my mother and me, and by the same I mean identical.

Now, I fully admit it is somewhat psycho to think that I am calling myself and somehow answering, but, it's also creepy, yo.

[I love the word 'yo' when used to end a sentence as emphasis. Unfortunately whenever I use this emphatic in real life, I gets laughed at, cause, well. I don't pull it off.]

My mother is going to Greece for a month. Now, one of my university majors was Classical Studies. As in, Ancient Greece. And I've never been. And she's going. For the third time. In two years. For more than a month at a time.

I hate her.

And just to be clear, I don't hate her. I adore my mother. But she's still a bitch for going to Greece.


I'm antisocial today, and so have been sitting in my room listening to Dirty Vegas and reading Sandman graphic novel number nine. Coffee date was postponed by her to tomorrow. Which is good because I'm about as much fun as broccoli today.

You see, this is the day, were it possible, I would call myself on the phone, and when I answered, say "Snap out of it, girl." Hence my earlier confusion.

Just trying to not sound crazy. That usually doesn't work.

6:40 p.m. - 2002-09-29


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