elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary



Days like this should be returnable.

Blah blah work. The espresso bar broke, which is great at a STARBUCKS. Geez. People were stressed out, and it was crazy. The worst part was that the day lasted 32 hours. Seemed like it anyway.

The highlight I think was when a new mother commented how before she was pregnant she was really fat, "bigger than [me] even." NICE. Really fucking nice. Really fat, more than me, even!

Let me set something straight: I don't have body issues. I'm not huge, but I am overweight, sure. I have a big ol' ass. I got da bulk. What the fuck ever. So I'm a size 12. Sometimes 14. This is how I am; I eat pretty healthy, I get some exercize. Oh, don't I feel huge and ugly? No. I like me. Shut up.

But all that doesn't mean I like being told that I'm fat. Christ.

Oh well. At least I got hit on by a fine Nicaraguan mullet. A curly greasy mullet nonetheless! He tried me to convince him to help his English (read him poetry!) and he would help my Spanish. Because it is the language of love. And he said something about Salsa. Like, he could teach me. Which I was almost tempted about...

Being hit on by a middle-aged mullet. Ah, that's a confidence booster if I've ever heard one!

So after work I went and smoked a blunt with some people from work. Something very dumb, since, my health sucks, some of which includes my serious asthma. but dude. Who needs to breathe.

I got McDonalds, which I rarely touch, and now I'm home, swearing that I had something else to say. What was it! It was so funny. Oh well.

9:29 p.m. - 2002-09-26


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