elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


narcissism and some other stuff.

Men are always asking if lesbians look at themselves in the mirror and get turned on.

I don't do that, specifically, but, on certain occasions, like this morning coming out of the shower, I see myself and will be all "hot damn!".

But I think that's more a factor of myself enjoying my body, rather than being turned on by my own image.

But yeah, I'd be interested if everybody does that, feels a little tingle at their reflection, or if it's all a cause of my own narcissism - I tend to be attracted to women who look a little like me.

And I certainly don't take the viewpoint that all queer people are narcissists - liking someone with the same sort of body as you doesn't mean you like their body because it looks like yours - but I do know a few gay people who look specifically for people who look like them. Or, upon finding someone that ressembles them, get a thrill from it.

Anyway, right.


My dad's still missing; I'm still upset; and this morning I had a thought. But I don't want to write it down because then it might be true and then I might cry and my face will be blotchy when I go to work.


I've come to the sad conclusion that, despite all my bitching, I much prefer working in the morning than in the afternoon. Cause I get headaches in the afternoon, every single day, and all I want to do is lie down and sleep or watch Buffy or something.

Buffy! Next week! I think. Wheeee!


11:33 a.m. - 2002-09-12


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