elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


topless rambling.

I am topless!

It's for a rather mundane reason, but, I think I'm not going to put a shirt on until I have to. Like, my roommate comes home, or I leave the house. My window is open and anyone walking down the alley could see. Hee!

Yes, I am an exhibitionist at heart.

My oldest brother just sent me an mp3 of his band, and they're so cute! Like fake country, since they're a bunch of middle-aged Canadians. Snicker. Two of my brothers have bands, yo - and I've sort of been invited to drum for this guy's band. The thing is, I'm really pretty darn bad. Especially at like, improvization. Anyway.

I have a day off, and my plan was sleep in, eat, take a walk, go shopping, do errands, do work for my course.

It's raining.

Now, this is the rainiest city in Canada, mind you, but still. I'm going to have to get used to it again after the almost rain-free summer we had. It was glorious.

I wanted to go down the street and pick up this bookshelf that was pretty cheap, and carry it home. But. Rain! Blech.

I don't want to go outside. I want to sit here topless all day. Except for the little fact that I'm BORED.

Which is the reason for this entry which isn't about anything at all.

I want a car so I could go to IKEA whenever I wanted. And I want new clothes - a jacket in particular. Something cute and not necessarily practical. And I want a George Foreman Grill. Because I'm lame.

I could write, I suppose - that three-day novel thing I did was supposed to alow me to do that more often, and I think maybe it worked, if just a bit. I'm not as afraid of writing. My neuroses may have gotten smaller. But.

Oh well.

At least Im not wearing a shirt.

12:00 p.m. - 2002-09-08


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