elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


gratuitous kitten post

I have this kitty sitting on my lap right now:

I know everyone is jealous. Cause I have five more.

Maybe you wouldn't be so jealous if you knew they were rip-roaring all around being CRAZY and LOUD and will be for another hour even though I am tired and want to sleep.

Still jealous? okay, fine.

My lovely mother, sigh, is coming to town tomorrow. I love my mother. I've written in here about her before. I'm pretty sure anyway. But like, it's pretty bad timing, with the paper I'm not writing and is already late. And she's just. my mother.



eight days until my lady comes home!!!!!111!eleven!!!!!!!!!!!


I wish I was a kitten. I could do things like look sultry at the camera in a slutty kitten way, like the tabster here:

Ahh, cheap reasons to post photos of baby animals.

That's what it's all about, folks. If I ever have a baby, I'm going to be one of those annoying moms with a baby journal who posts a million pictures of the baby doing the same thing.

[if you happen to have a journal, please do not be offended by the fact that I called you annoying. Like I said, I will be you one day. Actually, I already am. Luckily kittens are actually cute, unlike babies - who of course CAN be cute. But there are far more uncute babies than there are uncute kittens. I've only seen a half dozen really not-cute kittens. And they were usually covered in fleas or poop or something. But ugly babies? are everywhere. is your baby ugly? i don't know. I'd ask a stranger on the street just to find out before you post any more photos in your annoying baby journal.]

the parentheses had a life of their own.

To finish, a poignant statement about the state of the world. Because this kitten (possibly my future cat) is ALREADY smarter than I am!

oh, advanced mathematical engineering, or whatnot. (my girlfriend's books. she's a genius in a bottle.) An ample education for a young kitten.

11:52 p.m. - 2004-08-18


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