elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


yes, naturally

I'm in one of those moods where I want to go into the bathroom and cut off all my hair.

I've got curly hair. It might be the curliest, thickest hair you've ever seen before on a white girl. Or it might not be. Who am I to say?

Neither of my parents have curly hair. My dad has thick, straight hair, and my mother has thin, thin, straight, wispy hardly-there hair. The story is, my mother, hating her own hair, wished upon a star while pregnant with me, that I would have thick, curly hair: the opposite of her.

There you go, lovelies - never underestimate the effectiveness of wishing on a star.

Whenever I go into a salon, the stylists fluff up my hair, and invite all the other stylists and receptionists over to look at how insane and crazy my hair is. Usually they'll give a low whistle and say something like "whoa mama!".

Added to the horror of being one of those curly-haired moppets that old ladies feel compelled to stop in the supermarket to run their fingers through my hair and call me Shirley Temple - this was when I was a shy, terrified child - I have a strange aversion to people touching my hair.

(Not to mention that it's tempermental as fuck, my hair, and if it's nice and curly, and you touch it, it'll be frizzy and huge within minutes.)

For all of these reasons, I haven't had a real haircut, done by a professional, in about four years. Instead, I go into the bathroom when I'm in a self-destructive mood, grab a pair of scissors, and cut a few inches off. It's curly, see, so it doesn't matter how straight I get the line.

But. It never looks great. Cause, well. I cut it with kitchen scissors in the bathroom mirror.

So, I'm going to make an appointment. I'm going to drop a fuckload of money on a haircut I probably won't be happy with. Maybe I'll have to say, I told you so, to, well, myself. But it's hair.

Or. Maybe I'll just make a trip to the bathroom...

12:08 p.m. - 2004-07-06


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