elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


i need to be declogged

My bathroom drain is clogged. This makes me angry because I know it was ME that did it, this morning, using the sink as a bucket for my mop water, which, when the mop was rinsed, contained a large amount of my own hair.

Which may have gone down the drain.

For I am dumb.

I tried the sink-cpr technique that works sometimes, but no dice. Now I have Liquid Plumber Pro working it. Work it, LiquiPlumb! You kill it, you dissolve it, you incinerate that nastay clog and I shall love you, yes, oh the ways I will love you.

So I want to (read: should) go to bed, but! Must wait to see if my LiquiPlumb will work! Because it is the most interesting thing in my life!


I saw my mother today, for four hours, the first four hours in months and months, and the last time I saw her was also for maybe four hours. She flies to all of her exotic places through here, so sometimes will come and see me.

It is disgusting how alike we are in some ways.

Luckily we are amazingly dissimilar in many more ways.

My mother is my favourite person to go shopping with, though, because we like and can gush over the same exact things.

She wants to update her look and it's SO CUTE. I heart my mom. I wish I could see her every day, then I remember, hey, didn't you leave home so you wouldn't have to?

Then I remember the arguments and silences and bitterness and just plain ugliness that lived in our house.

But then I remember the smiles and laughter and joy.

It's a tossup, really, and I guess that's family for everyone. But yes. My mom makes me happy, because she bought me dinner AND the Justin Timberlake Details cover. Wheee! Justin!


So, my roommate told me the other day that he broke up with his girlfriend. Except she's still here. And they kiss. And have sex. Loudly. And she walks around in his robe. And they go out places together and do fun things together and tonight they cooked dinner together.

If they can be broken up yet have the EXACT same relationship as before, dude. Talent. Also, impossible. Also: where can I get me one of those?

More likely, they broke up for a day and then got back together. I really, really, really wish they stay broken up. Because I can't stand her and her little baby voice, and she used my TOWEL the other day, and, ick.


It worked! My drain is running clear. The wonders of damaging chemicals. Sorry, fishies.

11:33 p.m. - 2003-09-28


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