elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


things that are disturbing.

The professor who led my seminar this morning looked exactly like my mother if you cut her face off right above the mouth. The same nose, the same eyes, the same ears, the same hair.

The disturbing part? Before I realized who she looked like, I thought she was hot.


So, the thing with being a lesbian who doesn't 'show' is that whenever I start something new - a new job, school, just meeting new people, whatever - I have to go through the coming-out process. Not that all gay people don't have to do that, but with me? Nobody ever, ever knows or even suspects or even entertains the thought. I don't ping, dude. Which sucks in a lot of ways.

I'm not very concerned about coming out, because really, why is it anybody's business? It's not at all important to anything I'm doing.

But - big but - I like big butts and I can not lie, you other brothers can't deny - okay, lost my train of thought. Right, but, I don't like lying or misleading people. It may not anybody's business, but then there are situations that arise. Like yesterday on a seminar break we were talking about Hooters (the restaurant) and one of the girls I've been talking to looked at me and said, "Hey we should start a version with guys, eh?" And I kind of shrugged.

So, yeah. I resent having to tell people something that isn't their business just because it's not what they assume about me, but I hate more the fact that if I don't tell people and they find out eventually, they'll assume I was keeping it a secret or that i'm closeted, which, um. So not.

Anyway. Sexual politics.

7:13 p.m. - 2003-09-11


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