elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


stupid fucker

Oh my god my roommate is a stupid fucker. He's blown a fuse in his room three times in the last like, four months, because he put a microwave in his room and then uses it with his computer and lights and whateverthefuck else on. And it's not like there's not a perfectly good microwave in the kitchen. No, he has to have the Baked Potato button so his potato is perfect.

Stupid. Fucker.

So he blows the fuse, and I've had to change it for him the last two times, with extra fuses that I myself had purchased way back when. And in his unknowing quest to change it without my help (at this point I haven't noticed since my room's all the way over here) he yanks my power. Turning off my music, lights, and computer.

Luckily I'm on a laptop with a battery, the stupid fucker.

He's like that rat that can't stop going for the cheese even though it shocks him. So. Amazingly. Annoying.

Yes, I have issues with my dumbass roommate who blows fuses and pretends like he doesn't and doesn't clean the bathroom ever and leaves the sliding glass door open all night even though we're on the first floor and there have been breakins in the building and leaves socks and orange peels everywhere and has loud sex and won't let me get a cat because of his airhead stupidass girlfriend.

8:18 p.m. - 2003-08-09


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