elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


emily post's journal entry.

The terrible conclusion I have come to after all these years of life is that everybody in the world is a whiny, selfish, self-centered jerk.

Moreover, when given the chance, most people will talk about themselves and not ask anything about anybody else.

Yes, my friends. The world we live in is a selfish one. And all of us are guilty.

I think, however, that us who have journals at least have an outlet to talk about ourselves and nothing else. An outlet other than bored, unforgiving friends. I talk purely about myself in this forum (and I certainly don't exclude myself from my own condemnation) but when it comes to, hmm, say, going out for beers with a friend, I'm not going to sit there for three hours and talk about myself.

Without pause.

Without once asking "so, what's new with you?"

With someone I haven't talked to in a few months.

While visibly boring them to DEATH.

And hmm, I wonder why we hadn't talked in three months? Could it be that, three months ago, this exact same thing happened? This friend came into the store, said, "Oh, hey, I was looking for you, I miss you, let's hang out!". And then again.



Actually, Her.

People sometimes call me proper. In a few ways that aren't very interesting, I guess that's true. But more than 'proper' I like to think that, at least most of the time, I am polite.

You know what's polite? To ask someone how they're doing. And listen to their answer. Especially if you plan on talking about yourself for the next three hours. You do not have to care, necessarily, but you should pretend to. Because people like to think that they matter, and they are not just being used as a sounding board.

I am not a doormat, nor am I a sheep, but I act astoundingly like these things sometimes.

The bottom line is, etiquette, people. Say please and thank you, look people in the eye, ask people how they're doing, and when you part, wish them well. Be considerate to other people.

These are all meaningless things but in the karmic scale I think they add up. All those times you didn't say thank you? All those times you use the people around you? Cockroach time.

2:57 p.m. - 2003-08-02


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