elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


my day. a boring entry.

I feel significantly better now.

My best friend came over this morning, and we sat on my couch and had one of those long meaningful conversations, the kind we used to have all the time before he got himself hitched. It's not the same, however, because he's so darn happy. When I met him he was a miserable sonuvabitch like me. Alas.

He tickled my feet and let me rest my pounding head on his shoulder and didn't mind that I was hungover as all anything.

The couch was my only friend for the next few hours.

Oh, except for when I was cleaning my vomit off of my bedroom carpet. So. Gross.

I'm a puker. Vomiting isn't a strange thing for me. I usually make it to the porcelain goddess, but last night I was so incredibly out of my mind, it's a miracle I didn't get any in the bed. It's a miracle I ended up in bed. Albeit with my overhead light on. Still.

I ended up going out to dinner with my five favouritest people - 'the Posse' we call ourselves. And I have to say, if ever I complain about inconsiderate bitch friends, I don't mean them, because they make me so happy. Those are the kinds of friends that matter.

I am stuffed full of souvlakia and spanikopita and baklava.

Al Green is playing.

My headache is gone.

I bought carpet deoderizer to kill the vomity smell in my bedroom.

Life is good.

9:09 p.m. - 2003-03-13


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