elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


you were all by yourself staring up at a dark grey sky

Does anyone else ever get all dressed to go out and do things, like shop or whatever, and then just decide not to go? I spent a while doing my hair, and put on nice clothes and some jewelery, and I was gonna go out and maybe buy some clothes or books or something. Maybe start thinking about the horror that is Christmas.

But then I was sitting on my bed in my coat and boots, depressed about my hair (which I'll get to in a minute), and was like, eh. I'd rather stay home and read fan fiction and watch DVDs or do my homework for the correspondence classes.

I've been doing this more and more lately, only leaving when there's something to do, specifically. Which sucks, because I have fun wandering around looking at random things.


I just broke three hair elastics trying to put my hair in a ponytail. I have never seen my hair bigger. I am scared, people, since I did nothing different today to make it do this. If you stuck your hand in it, you would not be able to get it out unless you know the complicated techniques like I do. I can just barely gather it up into one fist. I tried to hold it up with a pencil and now I can't find the pencil.

But it's not frizzy like the poor girls on those commercials, today. No. It's beautiful, in loose but defined ringlets. A lot of ringlets. A lot of thick ringlets.

I've decided, therefore, that I can't deal when my hair actually looks good because then it's huge, and I get annoyed that it's always in my peripheral vision and I can't see people coming from behind me because my head is too freaking big. So my hair will always look shitty from now on.

The other day I started crying (I was shitfaced drunk at the time, all right?) that nobody thinks I'm gay cause I have long hair but if I cut it I'll look like Justin Timberlake or Felicity and ack.

[In case you haven't noticed, I have issues surrounding the hair. Ignore me.]

So I'm gonna go back to doing nothing. Listening to Mandy Moore and trying to get that pencil out of my hair.

2:36 p.m. - 2002-10-23


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