elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


novel update.

Three-day novel update #1.

Two hours in. 8 pages written.

So, four pages an hour, for three days, allowing 16 hours of sleep, will give me 112 pages. 100 is my goal. I'll be happy with 80, probably.

I'm putting WAY too much of myself in this already, despite my note to myself saying "don't write about you!" But I guess it's a personal challenge, and along with the getting myself to write, it's a bit of a purging.

Split yourself open to see what's inside.

I don't believe in astrology as much as many people, but, I've pasted my weekly horoscope onto my monitor, because, wow. Capricorn:

I predict this week will be a dicey, ticklish, but ultimately ennobling 168-hour masterpiece featuring guest appearances by several members of your personal hall of fame - including one future star you don't fully appreciate yet. [dude, the novel has many personal stars of mine in it, or will - and also, yeah, I am totally already seeing people this week like that.] The tone for this epic will be sey when you're prompted to change your relatioship with the one thing that would be hardest to live without. [Hello, writing.] Before you know it, you'll be invited to explore what's way under the tip of the iceberg, and not long after that you will be asked to prove that freedom is never permanent but must be reinvented and re-claimed constantly.

Hell yeah.

2:02 a.m. - 2002-08-31


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