elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


but my life has been so overprotected

I think I've just hit the low point of sadness. I was sitting here identifying with some Britney Spears lyrics.

Overprotected, to be specific.

"'What am I to do with my life?' You will find it out don't worry." Etc. It goes on, but I will spare you.

See. Okay. I have my B.A. I have a crap job. I'm not going back to school next year like I planned.

The big question is, what do I want to do with my life.

The big answer? No fucking clue.

Taking a year off school, I want to do. I want to travel, but I don't have the money, but I can work. I'm looking for a second job, one that might lead somewhere, but then again, I don't really want the ties that come with that.

But, my life?


I can't plan more than six months ahead of time. So I know what I want to do before, say, December - stay here, work my crap job, do my correspondance course, get some writing done. Apply to grad school.

My brother says, if you take a year off, be productive. Don't just work.

My mom says, just wait, and you'll figure out what to do .

My dad has no phone and hasn't called me in weeks, so, I have no idea what he thinks.

But Britney says, she's so overprotected. She has to figure out stuff on her own. She's not a girl, not yet a woman. But she knows deep inside what she wants - and I think that maybe I do too - but it's inaccessible because of everyone else telling her what she should do.

So, fuck off, everyone else, I say.

Except Britney. Britney can fuck me, but, she doesn't have to fuck off. Cause the poor girl's melting down, and on the cover of People magazine, so she's pathetic enough.

Aw, I love Britney Spears. I know she's stupid, and dresses like a skank, and can't sing. But she is fucking gorgeous, she's sweet, and she takes so much shit and takes it gracefully. And she's hot. And her concert was good.

I was about 10 feet away from her.



In other news - A week from today, I will be writing a novel. Ack!

5:30 p.m. - 2002-08-25


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