elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary



I got nothing to write about, but I'm fucking bored out of my skull here, and I don't want to go on AIM, and I don't feel like reading or watching tv, and I can't write anything at all, really, except for these joker journal entries, so. Some chaos for y'all.

A crazy dude came into work the other day, called me a dyke, to which I said

"actually, yeah, I am a dyke". This seemed to confuse him since I wasn't actually at all insulted. So he decided to call me a "clown". Then apparentl he came in again and said to my coworker that 'you sure do have some clowns working here.' We eventually had to call the cops on him. Good times.

I started belly dancing class yesterday. It was so fucking fun. I need to work on my upper body shimmy, though, since I'm rather flat chested and have a lot less to shimmy than other people.

My brother got hired at our old private school as a full time math teacher. This fills me with mirth. Also, it means that I am suddenly the less responsible child, something I've never been before my whole life. I sort of like it.

I have a track called 'Force of Gravity' by BT featuring JC Chasez on repeat, not because it's amazing, but because I'm too lazy to change the playlist.

I met a girl named Rhonda.

Sometimes I look at something and all I can see is empty space.

My lack of depth perception causes me to constantly walk into and drop things. My boss says I have 'the dropsies' which is actually an old euphemism for syphilis.

The people at work have replaced everyone else in my life. They're like my family, and when new people come in who don't fit in, it makes me want to tear myself up from the inside because they are interfering in my idealistic fantasy.

My legs are hairy.

My ex has apparently gone a little crazy.

It's not my fault.


9:14 p.m. - 2003-07-07


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