elegantwaste's Diaryland Diary


hard-hearted hannah

I cry a lot. At little romantic moments in movies; in Dustin Hoffman movie trailers; at anybody else who starts crying; at parents being proud of their children. At John Edwards' Crossing Over.

See, this is a show where this guy connects people with their dead loved ones.

Yeah, I know. And I call myself a cynic.

But every time I watch this show -- which is pretty much every time I am home on a weekday at 10am -- I cry. Because it makes me remember all my dead loved ones, and then boom.

Watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding the other day, one of my friends kept whispering to the friend on the other side of me "is she crying yet?" and every single time she said that, I either was or started because of it. So I'm a big emotional sap; that's nothing new. But I'm also a big cynic. I don't believe in true love, but I cry because I would like to. I don't really believe in the afterlife, but when John Edwards confirms it for other people, I crumble.

So I can't really tell if I'm really the hard-hearted cynic, or the big emotional softie.

Well. Either way, I'm hungover at 11am, and I don't have to work until 2pm, which is lovely. I'm still sniffling because I miss people, and I'm not old enough to know so many dead people. And I'm excited because tonight is American Idol, and Nikki is finally going to get kicked off. Please. Basically, I live a sad life.

10:54 a.m. - 2002-08-20


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